When Axsy Smart Forms are completed and submitted via the Axsy Mobile App, the Form Responses are sent to the Form Response Object and are stored as a record that can be viewed on the Salesforce Platform. 

View a Form Response Record

1. Once you have completed a Smart Form on the Axsy Mobile App, navigate to the Form Responses tab in the Axsy Smart Forms Web App on Salesforce and select the most recent record. 

 2. Scroll down to the View tab. All of the responses provided in the element fields by the user are displayed by section – in the same way as they were answered in the app. 

To control whether you want to view hidden and empty fields, select the toggles to the top-right of the screen. For more information on what the toggles mean, please see this article: Viewing empty and invisible Form Response fields

Note: Photo and Signature Files are displayed in-line under the View tab (as shown above). To see a list of all the files associated with the Form Response, select the Related tab of the Form Response. 

3. Once you are happy with the display of your Form Response, you can then print your Form Response. Please see this article for more information: Printing a Form Response